Connections and The Critical Path

These last couple of weeks have been filled to the brim with some amazing connections.  Shortly after I posted about the arrival of springtime — the full on springtime buzz arrived.  Here are some quick highlights of the connections and collisions during last couple weeks:

Bag #20 - Boxed at Ya Hala cafe

We had two beautiful in person meet ups with buyers for Sincerity Inside.  Pari met with us here in Austin to have a conversation after she bought her bag online.  It was super meaningful that she was just as excited as we were, and even more meaningful that she sat with us for 3 hours to talk about this bag, and to talk about what it means to her.  I mentioned recently that the 2016 theme of “Possibility” just keeps coming back up over and over again — Pari added to the season of possibility by explaining some of the details of Nowruz, the Persian New Year (Nowruz = New Day).  It was fitting – thank you Pari!  Bag #20 and you have started your journey at the perfect time of year, and I can’t wait to hear about what happens next.  🙂

In addition to meeting with a couple of buyers as well as several new prospective artists — the last few weeks have seen a remarkable number of meet-ups with friends, colleagues, and altMBA alum check-ins.  I sometimes find it difficult to balance my time when I’m constantly meeting up with so many people, but these last few weeks have been notable:  the conversations are turning into connections, and those connections are turning into momentum.  The altMBA checkins have reminded me to stay committed, committed to not running away from the emotional labor required to launch this project.

And speaking of Badass Backpacks.  Whew — we have a lot happening all at one time.  Rusty and I have some important work to do on our Critical Paths in the weeks ahead.  (Our 3 big critical paths are (1)MAKING MORE BAGS, (2)Evolving the website (3)Evolving Badass Backpacks’ identity — and beginning to raise the volume on that whisper of a launch.)  As we get focused on that work:  I’m glad I’ve had so many opportunities to meet with so many people over the last few weeks — choosing to spend time connecting with people can be a powerful way to start connecting the dots.

Springtime rolls along.  Let’s keep moving, people!  🙂

One thought on “Connections and The Critical Path”

  1. Hey Adam,
    So much has happened after we met. My journey with my backpack had started before it was even made. So many memories and so many experiences are integrated in every part of my backpack. A lot has gone against my expectations, I have learned a lot, and my expectations have evolved. Although my backpack has been staying home, it’s been carrying a lot of new memories, hopes, pains, and fears.
    Yesterday, I was able to take out some of those pains and fears, so that I could carry the backpack on my shoulders. Yesterday, was the first day of me and my backpack walking out the door together. My journey is all about self reflection and growth. Less fears and more hopes moving forward!

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