First 100 Production Update
Many of you have heard me saying, “we’re almost, just almost, almost there” with regards to finally shipping our first bags. It’s annoying, I know. Watching a stumbling, bumbling, wandering, pre-nascent project team bring something to life. … (something that might or might not work at that!)
What’s the hold up been? I mean, Adam, you had bags #1-5 months ago… does it really take this long to get the others made?
We’ve been patiently and compassionately waiting for our maker (a collaboration between Tucker & Bloom and Rock Solid Sewing & Design) to finalize the production of bags #6-100. The delays have been human. There’s no getting around it. Part of the story here is that the bags are hand-crafted. There’s a touch of human variability built-in to every bag and this short-run production path. So I find myself directly in the middle of learning some important lessons. Is it really December? Well look at that — it is December. Yes, it has taken this long to finalize the making.
Bags #6-25 are currently en route between Tennessee and Austin TX!!! When I got the txt from Tucker & Bloom earlier this week – it was an absolute moment for a 3-minute-milestone celebration. I’m extremely excited! (Bags #26-100 will arrive in 2016.)
When this next small batch of bags arrive, I’ll make sure to get a photo posted up on the blog. But in the meantime, with a tracking number in my hand for this highly anticipated arrival — my focus is now shifting to you, Badass Backpacks’ first followers, and how I’ll start selling these initial bags one at a time.
So what’s the plan? What’s the story?
This first shipment of bags will arrive later this week. Eric, Rusty and I have more work to do for preparing our beta site that will allow us to start processing online orders. And I have a bit of leg work to do to finalize our boxes, tags, and packaging. So yes, there’s more time before we start selling via — and that means that I unfortunately will have to end this post at the same spot where we’ve been for a while: We’re almost, just almost, almost there.
But we’re closer than ever… and I’m grinning ear to ear. Thank you to everyone who’s been following along with the blog. As you can tell, I am bursting at the seams to get Badass Backpacks launched. Drip by drip. Step by step. Stumbles and bumbles, we’re almost there.